
Avoid These 5 Inherited IRA Mistakes

So you just inherited an IRA from your Uncle Bob…Don’t give up to 50% of the IRA to Uncle Sam! Some mistakes in your financial planning can be overcome, but failing to know the rules in Inherited IRAs can be fatal. In order to keep more of the money in your pocket, avoid these 5 […]

Why Life Seems Faster

Does it seem like everything moves much faster today? Maybe because it really is. Check out this chart showing the speed of adoption of new innovations in the U.S. since the 1900s… https://avistawealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Why-Life-Seems-Faster.pdf The implications for investors are many, but especially the decision to invest in either “value” or “growth” stocks.

Millennialls vs Baby Boomers: Who is more prepared for retirement?

While the Millennials often get pummeled by the media for being slackers and snowflakes, some new data shows they can teach the baby boomers a few lessons about saving for retirement. According to J.D. Power, millennialls are the most likely to have set specific retirement goals and have the highest level of savings relative to […]